
IAC: the company

International Assignment Consulting

Successfully organising
international personnel assignments

International assignments are diverse. Whether short-term business trips for service work, maintenance assignments, long-term assignments as part of personnel development measures or the establishment of new sales structures abroad: IAC is your partner for mastering strategic, content-related and legal complexities, implementing changes and setting the course for legally compliant assignments.

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Regardless of where your company is active: We accompany you to your target markets worldwide!

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In all phases of the assignment process, as well as in other questions of international personnel management: We are your competent partner.

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Flexible and individual consulting combined with a specialist knowledge of over two decades and a professional global network.

Our drive

Our values

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Competent and individual advice is important to us, because we measure our quality by the satisfaction of our customers. Due to our interdisciplinary specialist knowledge we can guarantee consulting services of the highest standard.

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We strive for continuous development through new challenges and for the best possible solutions for our customers. We respond proactively to customer requirements and to changes in international personnel management.

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We treat our customers and business partners with respect and encourage open discussions. We have a partner network of global professionals and act as the interface between them and our customers in all areas of international human resources management.

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Our corporate culture is characterised by regular personal exchanges and friendly interaction. We value committed, team-oriented and multilingual employees, who are supported by training and further education. Our employees: flexible, competent, determined.

Managing Director of IAC Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Kai Mütze

Kai Mütze is an acknowledged expert in all aspects of international human resources management and is the leading figure at IAC Unternehmensberatung GmbH.

Kai Mütze Geschäftsführer IAC Unternehmensberatung

„Consulting in the field of international personnel management is characterised by a high degree of flexible solutions. For that reason, an operative consulting approach is very important to our clients. IAC Unternehmensberatung GmbH stands for developing customised concepts for the respective company and implementing them with the parties involved.“

  • since 2015Work as a specialist in international personnel management for various Chambers of Commerce, for the Association for Social Policy, Education and Vocational Development E.V., the Training Centre for Commerce in Unterwesergebiet.eV., Institute of Training for Commerce in Lower Saxony and the Bavarian Metal Association
  • 2006Publication of his first textbook "Handbuch Auslandsentsendung“ (International Assignment Manual)
  • 2007Founding of the IAC Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Strong and reliable

Our network alliance worldwide

We have built up a worldwide network consisting of all consulting areas related to international human resources management. Besides legal and tax consulting companies or payroll services, we also have visa providers and immigration partners. The area of intercultural sensitivity is also of high importance. With our partner alliance, we have thus positioned ourselves as a full-service provider for all aspects of international personnel management services and consulting.


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Individual consulting for individual solutions

Kai Mütze Geschäftsführer IAC Unternehmensberatung Portrait

Would you like more information or an individual offer?
Then please contact us. We will gladly get in touch with you.

Kai Mütze
Managing Director of IAC Unternehmensberatung GmbH