
Luxembourg: Labor authorities carry out more checks

The Luxembourg Labor Authority (ITM) has announced that fines totaling 8.9 million euros were imposed on companies in 2023 for improper posting of workers.

Compared to 2022, the Labor Department’s activities have increased, from just over 10,000 inspections in 2022 to more than 17,300 inspections last year. To cope with the increase in inspections, the organization has increased the number of on-site inspectors from 86 to 99.

German companies can temporarily post their employees to Luxembourg, but must report the posting to the Luxembourg labor authority before starting work. If a company does not comply with the regulations, it faces fines of 1,000 euros to 5,000 euros per employee. In the event of a repeat offense, fines of between 2,000 and 10,000 euros can be expected. In the event of particularly serious violations, the ITM director may decide to stop the work.

Do you need information or support when registering your employees in Luxembourg? Do not hesitate to contact us!

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