
New visa category for Italy – The Digital Nomad visa

The spread of the digital nomad visa continues to increase. Third-country nationals can now also apply for this visa in Italy (also possible in Japan). A digital nomad visa is a residence permit that entitles you to work remotely in the host country for a foreign employer.

The Digital Nomad visa was introduced in Italy on April 4, 2024. Eligible are highly qualified third-country nationals who can stay in Italy for up to 12 months and from there carry out freelance work or work from home for a foreign employer.

Further requirements include a minimum income of currently around 28,000 euros per year, the conclusion of health insurance for the entire stay, proof of accommodation in Italy and at least six months of professional experience as a digital nomad or as a remote worker.

First, the Digital Nomad visa is applied for at the Italian embassy abroad at the applicant’s usual place of residence. After entering the country with the visa, it must be converted into a residence permit within 8 days. In addition, relatives (spouses and minor children) can also receive a visa as part of family reunification. To ensure the livelihood of the main applicant and his family, the amount must be above the minimum income mentioned above.

The Digital Nomad visa can be extended if the requirements are still met.

Please contact us if you need any support in visa matters.

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