Update 01.02.2021: In addition to the Passenger Locator Form, a sworn statement is required in Belgium. Moreover, there is now also an online entry declaration in Portugal and Switzerland available.
Business trips are associated with special difficulties in times of COVID-19. This does not only apply to the practical problems of implementation, for example due to restricted travel options or special regulations for entry and quarantine. One special regulation that many countries have adapted is an entry declaration prior to travel. In our blog, we summarise all entry notifications clearly for you. Here you can directly access the pages of the respective local authorities under which you have to register before entry.
As a rule, pre-registration is possible 48 hours before entry. It is either an online form or a self-declaration. Sometimes a QR code is generated which you have to show at the border or on entry, or you receive a confirmation in a PDF document, for example, which you have to carry with you on entry. Often, entry without prior notification is not possible or is associated with fines.
Country |
Registration due to Corona |
Belgium | Travelers must complete the Passenger Locator Form:
https://travel.info-coronavirus.be/public-health-passenger-locator-form Additionally, a sworn statement must be filled until temporarily 01.03.2021. https://travel.info-coronavirus.be/essential-travel-sworn-statement For business trips, companies must also declare and confirm the trip as „on business“: |
Bulgaria | No pre-registration required |
Denmark | Obligation to carry a document on data (contact details, telephone number, e-mail address, address in Denmark) of all travellers – there is no submission from the authorities |
Germany | https://www.einreiseanmeldung.de/#/ |
Estonia | No pre-registration required |
Finland | No pre-registration required |
France | https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Attestation-de-deplacement-et-de-voyage |
Greece | https://travel.gov.gr/#/ |
Great Britain | https://www.gov.uk/provide-journey-contact-details-before-travel-uk |
Ireland | https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/ab900-covid-19-passenger-locator-form/ |
Iceland | https://visit.covid.is/ |
Italy | https://www.esteri.it/mae/resource/doc/2021/01/modulo_rientro_sintetico_08_gennaio_eng.pdf |
Croatia | https://entercroatia.mup.hr/ |
Latvia | https://covidpass.lv/en/ |
Lichtenstein | https://www.llv.li/files/ag/20200706_ruckreise-aus-risikolandern.pdf |
Lithuania | https://keleiviams.nvsc.lt/en/form |
Luxembourg | No pre-registration required |
Malta | Two documents required:
Netherlands | https://assets.ctfassets.net/biom0eqyyi6b/1ujr8KV2qtylvVTMpEFDDA/063bc2c6100ae1899a0e9d153b356aed/Gezondheidsverklaring_versie2.pdf |
Norway | https://www.regjeringen.no/en/topics/koronavirus-covid-19/registration-for-persons-travelling-to-norway/id2791503/ |
Austria | https://www.formularservice.gv.at/site/fsrv/user/formular.aspx?pid=15dd7f9c98c24952828eb414c8884f1a&pn=Bfd027cf662624276a5ca9a9b970bcdf9 |
Poland | No pre-registration required |
Portugal | https://portugalcleanandsafe.pt/en/passenger-locator-card |
Romania | No pre-registration required |
Sweden | No pre-registration required |
Switzerland | Registration via online form. Each canton has its own page/form for this purpose. You can find a list under the item “Contact details of the responsible cantonal authorities“ (forms only available in he official language of the canton concerned): |
Slovakia | Pre-registration only for travellers who have stayed in a high-risk for 14 days prior to entry |
Slovenia | No pre-registration required |
Spain | https://www.spth.gob.es/create |
Czech Republic | https://plf.uzis.cz/ |
Hungaria | When entering via plane via Budapest
https://www.bud.hu/en/covid_19/information_on_entering_and_leaving_hungary |
Cyprus | When entering via plane |
If you have any further questions about the entry procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form. The IAC GmbH team will be happy to consult.
Travel and safety information German Ministry of Foreign Affairs