
New portal for EU registration for postings to the Czech Republic

Since July 1, 2024, there has been a new online portal through which postings to the Czech Republic can be reported. This applies immediately and replaces the previous notification via form sending by email.

The portal is provided by the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and can be reached at the link https://www.mpsv.cz/app/suip-vysilani-zamestnancu/. Supposedly this portal is intended to become a kind of showcase portal within the European Union. If other EU countries want to make changes to their existing portals, the Czech portal should serve as a template.

Employees to be posted can be registered here with their personal data, including their ID card number, before a posting report is made. It seems to be necessary to upload the existing employment contract in Czech as a PDF in every registration process. This would be a massive restriction for companies if the employment contract always had to be translated and made available in advance.

“From our point of view, this requirement is not very practical; it represents an additional burden in the form of further costs for companies. At the same time, more preparation time must be planned for in cases of registration in the Czech Republic. If this portal is to serve as a “model portal” for other countries, we can only appeal to those in political responsibility to stop the bureaucracy by making the employment contract available in Czech,” says Kai Mütze, Managing Director of IAC GmbH. “Apparently, a corresponding employer certificate containing the essential data of the employment contract is also not sufficient for the Czech authorities. In our view, the resulting additional effort must be avoided urgently. We are staying on the topic and will stand up for employers at this point. We will continue to keep you up to date on this via our blog posts,” says Mütze.

Do you have further questions about EU registration or need advice on topics relating to global mobility management?

Then please contact us – our expertise from handling more than 1,000 secondments and international employee assignments for over 380 satisfied customers worldwide is at your disposal.

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