Since Corona restrictions have been lifted or mostly loosened in almost all EU/EEA countries, work-related travel is increasing again. Companies that post employees abroad must therefore once again gradually deal with the mandatory topics of A1 certificates and EU posting workers.
By means of the proposed legislation, to be taken from the printed matter 19/26891 of the German Bundestag of 23 February 2021, the coalition faction of the CDU/CSU and the SPD present a strategy for the posting of workers to Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a consequence of the Brexit.
In December last year, the ECJ dismissed the two countries’ lawsuit for annulment. Hungary and Poland both brought a lawsuit for annulment against the Posted Workers Directive 2018/957 on the grounds that, inter alia, the choice of legal basis was erroneous and the adoption of the Directive constituted a breach of Article 56 TFEU on...