HMRC has changed the fuel flat rates in the UK for 01 December 2022. The old flat rates can still be used in December, but the new flat rates will be compulsory from January 2023.
From Russia to the USA – passing through the UK and China? No problem with the Außenwirtschaftsforum on its trip around the world. In 120 minutes, pilots and travel guests flew to the various destinations and dealt with them from a foreign trade perspective.
The UK Department for Transport is urgently advising that, from 1 October 2021, passports will no longer be sufficient for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals to enter the UK.
By means of the proposed legislation, to be taken from the printed matter 19/26891 of the German Bundestag of 23 February 2021, the coalition faction of the CDU/CSU and the SPD present a strategy for the posting of workers to Great Britain and Northern Ireland as a consequence of the Brexit.